Thursday, September 12, 2013

Working abroad

Some of us think that working overseas is the answer to our financial problems or a dream fulfilled. But where do you think this idea came from? Why do some of us think that we have a better chance of improving our lives in a foreign country? I'm pretty sure that many of  us can think a lot of reasons..

It could be the high unemployment rate which had been a chronic problem in our country that produces almost a million college graduates on courses that are deemed popular but whose demand is on decline. Yearly we produces fresh graduates that joins the labor force, thereby increasing the competition for jobs available.

It could also be the unstable economic situation in our country showing the government's lack of initiative to secure a better future for its citizens that may have driven many of us to seek employment overseas. Not to mention the corruption, involvement of politics in a lot of businesses, relatively high tax rate, etc.

Or it could be the low salary offered by local companies. A Study shows that the average income of a typical Filipino worker in a month is about 10,000 pesos or (200usd) only.

It is hard to imagine how a typical Filipino especially those with a family to support could survive a month having only this, with all the bills to pay, food and school expenses and a lot more! This alone could be a reason why some of us think of working overseas. But in reality, not everyone will have the chance. Some are lucky enough to qualify and practice their profession abroad, but many will not, so they just end up accepting lower positions offered to them. Some are even willing to change careers just for them to have an opportunity to work abroad.                                                                        

What you need to consider is the fact that the higher your skill sets are and the higher your position is the more protected you are when you go abroad because you are in that status where you can dictate or you can negotiate from a point of competitiveness.                                         

Applying for a lower position or changing careers might open an opportunity for you to work abroad but it might also be a problem for you afterwards. So as much as possible, you need to consider an opportunity that not only can solve your financial problems but can also improve all the other aspects of your life, like your career, family, and even health aspects as well.  You should also be cautious when applying in some agencies for them not to take advantage of you.

Applying for a job overseas is a transaction between you and your employer and not a favor given by a recruiter. If u analyze it, the reality is that both parties will benefit from this transaction. So both parties should be fair and know all the legalities involved in this transaction so no problems will arise in the future.

I hope someday our government will reach a certain economic point where we wont be needing to search for a job abroad because of the opportunities that will open for us in our country.

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