Friday, August 30, 2013

Teach yourself how to save now!

Ever wonder why is it so hard to save now a days?

A recent banko central report show that 8 out of 10 Filipinos have no bank account.
so unless 80% of the Filipinos still hide their cash on what we call "baul"(chest), this only means that most of us have no savings.

Most of us find it so difficult to save because of our personal reasons,
 some of us may say:
-my income is not enough
-i have to support a big family
-i pay so many bills
-taxes are very high

most of us find ourselves saying i just cant save now!  Don't worry, there's still hope for us. we can still change this and learn how to save now!

If you say your income is not enough, why is the youngest member of your family who is not generating an income can save on his/her piggy bank and you having your job and not supporting a big family or paying any bills cant save at all?

The truth is, anyone of us can save! its just a matter of lifestyle, discipline, mindset and changing the equation from income-expenses=savings to income-savings=Expenses

lets start from cutting unnecessary expenses like your monthly shopping, friday nightouts, cigarettes, alcohol and any other vices so you can "pay yourself first". because your the one working after all, you deserve to be paid first before your bills!

"Pay yourself  first" by saving money on your bank account. Do this and watch your savings go up and you will feel better and very much satisfied than buying new gadgets, new set of clothes, bags, shoes that you want but you don't really need. Focus your expenses only to your daily needs and you will be surprised on how much money you will save..

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